A dental emergency refers to any problem with your oral health that causes significant pain or dysfunction. Some different types of dental emergencies include:
Dental emergencies are quite stressful and can pose a significant threat to your oral health. Problems like severe pain, swelling, or damaged teeth can’t wait until your next dental cleaning.
If you experience an injury that results in a damaged or knocked-out tooth, you should seek emergency dentistry as soon as possible. Acting fast can help preserve the function and appearance of your smile.
Miller Dental provides you with the care you need to relieve your pain and avoid any lasting complications with your oral health.
Although minor toothaches typically clear up on their own, more serious toothaches require a trip to the dentist. The inside of your tooth contains blood vessels, tissues, and pain-sensitive nerves. Any irritation to these nerves can result in significant pain.
Some of the most common causes of toothaches include:
Other symptoms often accompany toothaches, like swelling or drainage coming from an infected tooth. If you experience a severe or persistent toothache, Dr. Miller can provide you with the right treatment.
Miller Dental frequently provides noticeable relief in just one visit.
During your visit to Miller Dental, Dr. Miller begins by performing an oral exam. You should be prepared to discuss the reason for your visit, such as a recent injury, as well as the details of your symptoms.
In some cases, Dr. Miller may conduct imaging tests like a digital X-ray. After your evaluation, he determines the most effective treatment for your condition. Emergency dentistry treatments include:
Emergency dentistry allows you to access high-quality dental care when you need it the most. Dr. Miller commits himself to help patients achieve and maintain healthy, beautiful smiles.
To learn more about emergency dentistry, call Miller Dental, or you can check appointment availability online.